OKC Ambassadors

The Ambassadors Baseball ministry connects with like-minded churches across the world in order to host sports camps as a ministry opportunity. 
Everything that we do on and off the playing field gives us an opportunity to share the One True Gospel of Jesus Christ. We use athletics as an excuse the share the Gospel.
As the Ambassadors are traveling across the world for the sake of the Gospel, we are seeking like-minded partners who are willing to come alongside of us and support this discipleship ministry.

About Us


The OKC Ambassadors are a discipleship baseball organization that was originally designed for college level high school Juniors and Seniors. For 17 years we have played all across the U.S. and even internationally during our eight to ten week summer program. Recently, we have expanded our program offerings to include youth teams.

The Ambassadors are so much more than a team that prays together before a game. During the Ambassador season, our players will receive intensive Bible study training to help them learn spiritual disciplines in their lives as they prepare to go face the challenges that life and the world are going to throw at them. As much as we challenge them on the baseball field, we also challenge them spiritually throughout the season. After training, we give our players the opportunity to share the Gospel with other teams. We have seen many individuals come to know Christ on a baseball field that would have never stepped foot into a church.

For our older team we provide our players this opportunity by hosting free baseball clinics for little leagues where our players will teach kids the fundamentals of the game of baseball, while also presenting the Gospel as well as their own personal testimonies.
Our players are also matched up with an accountability partner for the season, so they can develop the discipline of being authentic with their lives with other Christian believers. We all need people in our lives that can pray for us and challenge us to be who God wants us to be. This is especially true for young men who are about to be on their own for the first times in their lives as they go off to college.

Overall, a season of playing for the OKC Ambassadors is a privilege. We have had over 220 Ambassador alumni who have worked to get our organization to the point where we are thriving on and off the baseball field. We are impactful on the baseball field, because of the caliber of baseball that we play. And we are influential in our ministry because of the name of Jesus Christ that we proclaim.

We are truly 100% Baseball and 100% Ministry. A young man can sincerely be a great baseball player and a true follower of Jesus Christ. Our mission is to equip the young men who play in our organization with spiritual tools and leadership skills in order to be prepared to impact the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ during and after their baseball career.

we are ambassadors!

Pillars of excellence

Each season, we evaluate our ministry based on the following pillars.


The Discipleship element of our ministry is paramount to our organization. If we are not training up and equipping young men that God brings into our program, then we are not being obedient to our calling as Ambassadors. God has specifically and intentionally put together a team of Ambassadors, and it is our job to build them up in their ability to be spiritual leaders for the rest of their life.


The Evangelism of our ministry is simply an overflow of our commitment to Discipleship. If our players are not devoted to their own spiritual growth, then they will not be motivated to take the one true Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world of baseball. In all that we do in our discipleship, one of the most important aspects is the fact that we train our players to share the Gospel. We do this through the presentation of the Gospel in Scripture, teaching our players how to share the Gospel through their personal story of salvation and by using the colors of our uniforms.


God has given us the ability to play baseball and has provided us the opportunity to use this gift to take the one true Gospel to the nations through this game. Not only is this a privilege, but it is an incredible responsibility by which we must be good stewards. In order for us to be most effective with our baseball ministry, we must never forget that stewarding this gift is an outflow from our discipleship and an overflow of our evangelism. Baseball is nothing more than a secondary causation by which we, as Ambassadors, might “Go and make disciples.”
As stewards of the gifts that God has given to us, it is our responsibility to use these gifts to the best of our ability, that God might be most glorified. God has called us to excellence in all things, but in this pursuit, we will never compromise the priorities of our ministry as Ambassadors for Jesus Christ.


We will have a long-term goal mindset looking to “leave this ministry better than we found it.” We will establish world-wide connections for others to be able to join in and be a part of what God is doing through this ministry. We will be a good steward with all of the resources that God has provided us.

Apply to be an ambassador

We are thrilled that you are interested in playing for the OKC Ambassadors! This ministry has impacted so many lives and we hope that your family will be a great fit into our mission. Please click the link below to fill out the Player Application Form.

Who We Are

The OKC Ambassadors are a Christian athletics organization focused on discipling the next generation to live for Christ.

What We Do

For 17 years, we have taken young men for a baseball season and equipped them with the teaching of the Word of God. We focus on discipleship, leadership training, evangelism and athletic excellence.
In addition, we serve  local churches, host free baseball camps for children and play/host high level baseball tournaments.

What's Different

We are not just simply a pray-before-the-game type of Christian baseball team. We are very intentional with our daily discipleship, Bible studies and accountability. Our goal is to raise up a generation of young men who are ready to stand for Christ no matter what the cultural circumstances might be.

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