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Resolved Academy, Week 9

Miss Kristen's Desk

This past week, we began the second quarter of our year at Resolved Academy! Our students are working hard on their Thanksgiving program and have already made so much progress! Over these next couple of weeks we will be discussing how the gospel moved westward, starting with the arrival of the Puritans in the New World. We will also be discussing why we celebrate Thanksgiving before having our own friendsgiving meal with the kids the week before Thanksgiving. I look forward to emphasizing God’s faithfulness to us, and how we are to respond in worship with our whole lives.

In our science class this past week, we began our study of oceanography by discussing ocean currents. We also learned about the five oceans and where they are located on a map. We connected this to learning about how God’s creation exhibits orderliness and design. In our Foundations Worldview class, we learned about how God is omnipotent, He alone is all powerful. We learned about the things that only God can do, and the things that he cannot do because they are outside of his character. We also evaluated Job 42:2 and discussed how this explains God's omnipotence. Lastly, in our Biblical History/Geography class, we learned about the Puritans and their commitment to Sola Scriptura. The students also learned about the voyage of the Mayflower and its route across the ocean. Lastly, we began learning about the gospel’s movement to the western world and how this impacts us.

I am incredibly thankful for each of our students and am very proud of how hard they have all worked. I also greatly appreciate their excitement over learning about the Word of God. I pray that they will continue to find their foundation in the Word as they finish out their second quarter of school.
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